cnb: you can rename yourself intriguing
me: :o
cnb: so when someone introduces himself to you and says hi, i'm so and so,
you can say intriguing
and when he says sorry then yes
he - intriguing?
you - yes
he - intriguing?
you - yes?
he - what's intriguing?
you - you mean who is intriguing?
he - yeah who?
you - yes
he - nice to have met you, i didn't get your name?
you - intriguing
he - your name is intriguing?
you - yes
he - well, what is it?
you - intriguing
he - i know it's intriguing but what is it?
you - what is what?
he - your name?
you - intriguing
he - i give up, miss intriguing
you - thats right!
he - shakes head and goes
cnb: so he goes and meets your colleague
he - hey i met this wierd person
he - she only kept saying intriguing, know her?
colleague - intriguing
he - what?
colleague - that was intriguing
he - what you too
colleague - me too what
he - like her
colleague - intriguing?